Sunday, September 23, 2012

Graphite & Fiesta

I'm always squeamish about tackling the pristine first page of a brand new sketchpad or, in this case, watercolor pad, but I wanted to try the water-soluble graphite sticks and blocks Robin bought for me at the recent Art Materials Expo that was held at the Buffalo Thunder Resort north of Santa Fe.

I made a quick sketch from a photo in the Sunday paper, a vintage photo from the 1964 Fiesta parade. I started by sketching the head with a water-soluble graphite stick, but realized I was working too small for the size of the graphite stick and the rough paper texture, so I finished the drawing with a brush and graphite wash. It has been a loooong time since I've drawn with a brush. It's a nice departure from the charcoal-drawing effect.

Brush and water-soluble graphite sketch